Located in Hopi, northeastern Arizona
telephone +1 (928) 734 2370
cell/mobile: +1 (928) 613 0412
Thomas Banyacya Jr lives and works in Kykotsmovi Village, Third Mesa in Hopi, Arizona where he creates his art and jewelry. Thomas Jr has been creating jewelry since his early twenties. One of the most accomplished contemporary Hopi artists, he combines ancient design motifs and modern forms creating sculptural designs that are timeless and classic art that is worn.
Thomas' work is owned by collectors worldwide.
Thomas Jr uses the tufa casting method in which designs are first carved in soft pumice-like molds from which each piece is individually cast after which it is formed and then finished and polished. Thomas' method is unashamedly low-tech and is more akin to sculpting than conventional jewelry fabrication. Most of his pieces are cast in one single piece and then formed.