Located in Hopi, northeastern Arizona
telephone +1 (928) 734 2370
cell/mobile: +1 (928) 613 0412
Located in Hopi, northeastern Arizona
telephone +1 (928) 734 2370
cell/mobile: +1 (928) 613 0412
While Thomas' work is very contemporary, for millennia, the Hopi have used abstract patterns and motifs in their art , many of which originate in the natural world. All Hopi art forms have a function and all Hopi designs and motifs have meaning. Visual designs serve the purpose of integrating forms from nature into everyday and ceremonial life. Thomas Jr belongs to the Black Bear clan of the Hopi and carves bear paw prints or tracks onto the back of each piece of work as his artist's mark. His stamp consists of the initials in his name - TBJ.